ISKRENA ISPOVIJED Brittney Griner progovorila o crnim mislima u ruskom pritvoru: Samo sam željela otići


Los Angeles, CA  - WNBA star Brittney Griner chokes back tears as she reflects on 'mistake' that led to being jailed in Russia in ABC special. Griner opened up for the first time about her harrowing detention in Russia and the ‘mistake’ that got her sentenced to nine years in prison. The athlete sat down with ABC’s Robin Roberts as she admitted: “I could just visualize everything I worked so hard for just crumbling and going away.” Griner, 33, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and a nine-time WNBA All-Star who plays for the Phoenix Mercury, was detained on February 17, 2022, at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Khimki after she was accused of having vape cartridges containing cannabis oil, which is illegal in Russia. Griner said that she had awakened late on the morning she was sent to travel to Russia to play during the WNBA's off-season and she packed while she was ‘in panic mode’. Griner recalled the sinking feeling she had when she realized that she had forgotten two cannabis oil cartridges in her luggage: “I'm just like: ‘Oh, my God. How did I make this mistake?’” Griner was arrested and pleaded guilty to drug charges on July 7, 2022. She testified that she had ‘no intention’ of breaking Russian law and packed the cartridges by accident. Griner reflected on the poor living conditions in prison as she awaited her trial, saying that she didn’t always have toilet paper and that the toothpaste they gave her had expired about 15 years ago. She added: “The mattress had a huge blood stain on it, and they give you these thin two sheets. So you're basically laying on bars.” Griner was sentenced to nine years in prison on August 4, 2022. After her sentencing, Griner was transferred to a penal colony in the Russian region of Mordovia - a work camp where Griner’s job was cutting fabric for Russian military uniforms. “What were the conditions like there?” Roberts asked. “Really cold,” Griner said. “It’s a work camp. You go there to work, there's no rest.” Griner said that the frigid temperatures were impacting her health and led her to chop off her long dreadlocks: “My dreads started to freeze. They would just stay wet and cold and I was getting sick.” Griner was released on December 8, 2022, after the US agreed to swap her for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. But Griner admitted: “I don't think I've really gotten through all the way. At the end of the day, it's my fault. And I let everybody down.”


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Američka košarkašica Brittney Griner opisala je duševnu bol koju je pretrpjela tijekom boravka u ruskom pritvoru, rekavši u novom intervjuu za ABC-jevu emisiju “20/20” da je više puta razmišljala da si oduzme život.

Zvijezda WNBA lige provela je gotovo 300 dana u pritvoru u Rusiji nakon što je uhićena u veljači 2022. i osuđena na devet godina zatvora nakon što je kod nje pronađeno ulje kanabisa.

Američki State Department smatrao je da je Brittney Griner nepravedno pritvorena te je puštena u prosincu 2022. u razmjeni zatvorenika u kojoj je sudjelovao ruski trgovac oružjem Viktor Bout.

Brittney Griner na slobodi! Amerikanci zauzvrat pustili ‘Trgovca smrću’

“Razmišljala sam da si oduzmem život u tim prvim tjednima. Samo sam željela otići. Jednostavno nisam mislila da bih mogla proći kroz ono što sam trebala proći. Definitivno sam razmišljala o tome. Ali, tada sam pomislila: ‘Što ako neće dati moje tijelo mojoj obitelji?’ Ne mogu im to priuštiti. Moram ovo izdržati”, izjavila je, prenosi CNN.

Brittney Griner, dvostruka osvajačica zlatne olimpijske medalje, također je rekla da je morala napisati pismo ruskom predsjedniku Vladimiru Putinu tražeći oprost. “Natjerali su me da napišem to pismo. Bilo je na ruskom. Morala sam zapravo zatražiti oprost i zahvalu od njihovog takozvanog velikog vođe. Nisam to željela učiniti, ali sam se u isto vrijeme htjela vratiti kući”, dodala je.

U istom intervjuu Griner je detaljno opisala uvjete kojima je bila podvrgnuta u zatvoru, uključujući prljave ćelije, ogromnu krvavu mrlju na madracu, bez sapuna i premalo toaletnog papira.

Kako se priprema razmjena koja bi spasila američku košarkašicu

Ruski tužitelji optužili su je da je pokušala prokrijumčariti manje od jednog grama ulja kanabisa u svojoj prtljazi koja se nalazila u patronama za vape dok je igrala za UMMC Ekaterinburg tijekom WNBA van sezone.

Njezino pritvaranje istaknulo je ograničenja plaća s kojima se WNBA igračice suočavaju u SAD-u, tjerajući sportašice da idu u inozemstvo kako bi zaradile više tijekom sezone.

Zvijezda Phoenix Mercuryja ulazi u svoju 11. WNBA sezonu nakon što se vratila u momčad u svibnju prošle godine. Ranije ovog mjeseca Brittney Griner i njena supruga Cherelle objavile su da očekuju svoje prvo dijete, dok je 33-godišnjakinja također u konkurenciji za mjesto u američkom timu za ovogodišnje Olimpijske igre u Parizu.

OZNAKE: brittney griner


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