Farfan prvi zaraženi nogometaš u Rusiji


epa08426198 German police officers detain a protester during a demonstration in front of the Reichstag building, seat of the German parliament the Bundestag in Berlin, Germany, 16 May 2020. A series of demonstrations are held throughout Germany, calling for ending of the social and economical restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The events are organized by groups of various motives, right wing activists, conspiracy theory believers and more.  EPA/OMER MESSINGER


Nogometaš Lokomotive iz Moskve Jefferson Farfan zaražen je koronavirusom, objavio je predsjednik kluba Anatolij Meščerjakov.

Peruanac je prvi nogometaš u Rusiji koji je zaražen koronavirusom.

Prema izjavi Meščerajakova Farfan nije bio u kontaktu sa suigračima i oni nisu ugroženi, a potvrđeno je da ima lakše simptome.

Za Lokomotiv nastupa i bivši hrvatski reprezentativac Vedran Ćorluka.


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