Bivši nogometaš George Weah postao predsjednik Liberije


epa06237678 Liberian presidential candidate George Weah from the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) during a campaign rally in Buchanan, Liberia, 30 September 2017 (issued 01 October 2017). Liberians will head to the polls on 10 October in the very first African nation to obtain independence in 1847. These elecions are hoped to be the first peaceful and democratic transfer of power from Africa's first woman democratically elected president, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to a new leader who has to continue in the efforts to rebuilding the country, following nearly two decades of brutal civil war.  EPA/NIC BOTHMA

Nekadašnji nogometaš George Weah postao je predsjednik Liberije. On je pobijedio protukandidata Josepha Boakaija osvojivši 61,5 posto glasova.

To će biti prva demokratska tranzicija u Liberiji od 1944. godine. Weah će naslijediti Ellena Johnsona Sirleafa, a dužnost će preuzeti idući mjesec.

Weah (51) je na vrhuncu nogometne karijere bio devedesetih godina i početkom 2000-ih, kada je igrao za PSG, Milan, Chelsea i Manchester City.


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