VIDEO: Nigerija spremna na borbu protiv Lassa groznice


epa05152626 Residents push a wheelbarrow with water containers leaving a water distribution point in the rural farming town of Senekal, South Africa, 10 February 2016. The water is trucked to the town by local government sources. The town has had a severe water shortage for the past few months with residents having to queue for water at water hand out points. Large parts of this district and widespread areas of South Africa are experiencing the worst drought in 30 years as well as the highest temperatures in decades.  EPA/SHIRAAZ MOHAMED

Nigerija je spremna na borbu protiv Lassa groznice.

Od početka godine u ovoj zapadnoafričkoj državi ova virusna bolest je odnijela 110 života, a zabilježeno je 317 slučajeva zaraze virusom. Lassa groznica prenosi se hranom i kontaktom s predmetima koji su kontaminirani s nekom od izlučevina.

Statistika je premašila onu iz 2016. godine te postoji bojazan kako bi situacija mogla biti i gora.

Ova virusna bolest se pojavljuje i u Beninu, Gani, Gvineji, Liberiji, Maliu i Sierra Leoneu.


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