U eksploziji na sjeverozapadu Pakistana ubijeno najmanje 40 ljudi


epa10758120 Pakistani security officials at a checkpoint, after security has been intensified following a suicide bomb attack at a security installation near the Afghan border in Khyber Agency, in Peshawar, Pakistan, 20 July 2023. A suicide bombing in Khyber has resulted in a death toll of four, with three police officers succumbing to their injuries. Eight other policemen were injured in the attack, which was carried out by two terrorists who entered a compound from both the main and rear gates, police said.  A rescue and search operation is currently underway, with the bomb disposal squad and CTD teams present at the crime scene. In a separate incident in the Regi area of Peshawar, two cops were killed and two others injured in a firing incident by unidentified armed men. These attacks come amidst a surge in terrorist activities in Pakistan, as indicated by a report from the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS), which shows a 79% increase in terror activities during the first half of 2023, following the Afghan Taliban's return to power.  EPA/ARSHAD ARBAB


Najmanje 40 ljudi smrtno je stradalo u nedjelju u eksploziji koja se dogodila u sjeverozapadnoj pakistanskoj pokrajini Hajber Pahtunva, izvijestio je Geo News pozivajući se na lokalne dužnosnike.

Policijski izvor je rekao da su žrtve poginule u eksploziji bombe na skupu radikalne islamističke stranke.

“Na svečanosti je trebao govoriti visoki stranački dužnosnik, no prije nego što je stigao eksplodirala je bomba”, rekao je Ahtar Hajat Gandapur, policijski inspektor pokrajine koja se nalazi na granici s Afganistanom.

Isti je izvor kazao da je eksplozija bila usmjerena na konzervativnu vjersku stranku Džamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F), koja je organizirala skup u gradu Har uoči izbora koji će se održati kasnije tijekom godine.

Stranka je poznata po vezama s tvrdolinijaškim islamizmom.

Inicijalna izvješća govorila su o 17 mrtvih, ali i 70 ranjenih pa bi broj mogao rasti.

OZNAKE: Pakistan, eksplozija


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