Poznati glumac izjasnio se o tragediji na snimanju. Terete ga za ubojstvo iz nehaja


JANUARY 19th 2024: Alec Baldwin faces new charges of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - OCTOBER 17th 2023: A grand jury will consider refiling a charge of involuntary manslaughter against Alec Baldwin in the shooting death of photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - APRIL 20th 2023: Manslaughter and other criminal charges dropped against Alec Baldwin in connection with the death of photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - FEBRUARY 23rd 2023: Alec Baldwin pleads not guilty to all charges in connection with the death of photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - JANUARY 31st 2023: Alec Baldwin officially charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - JANUARY 19th 2023: Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - AUGUST 13th 2022: FBI forensic report concludes that Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger of the gun that killed photography director Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" on October 22nd 2021 in New Mexico. - APRIL 20th 2022: The State of New Mexico issues maximum possible fines for gun safety failures against the film production company in the Alec Baldwin shooting on set that killed photography director Halyna Hutchins on October 22nd 2021. - FEBRUARY 15th 2022: The family of slain cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and the production company of "Rust" claiming that "reckless conduct" and "dangerous cost-cutting measures" on the film set were contributing factors in her death. - DECEMBER

Glumac Alec Baldwin u srijedu se izjasnio da nije kriv za nenamjerno ubojstvo i smrt snimateljice Halyne Hutchins tijekom snimanja vesterna “Rust” u Novom Meksiku 2021.

Glumcu iz serije “30 Rock” dopušteno je da ostane na slobodi bez polaganja jamčevine na temelju odricanja od tužbe postignutom pri Prvom okružnom sudu u Santa Feu.

Baldwin je prvotno optužen za pucnjavu u siječnju 2023. Te su optužbe odbačene nekoliko mjeseci kasnije na temelju dokaza da je čekić na revolveru možda modificiran, omogućujući mu da opali bez povlačenja okidača.

Nove optužbe uslijedile su nakon neovisnog forenzičkog testa koji je zaključio da je Baldwin morao povući okidač revolvera koji je koristio na probi da bi ispalio metak koji je pogodio Hutchins u prsa i ubio je.

Nalaz je bio isti kao i prethodni FBI-ov test vatrenog oružja.

Baldwin, glumac koji je i dobitnik nagrade Emmy, zanijekao je da je povukao obarač i rekao da nije odgovoran za smrt snimateljice.

Redatelj filma, Joel Souza, pogođen je i ranjen u rame istim metkom koji je ubio Hutchins tijekom produkcije filma na setu izvan Santa Fea.


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