Na kabulsku zračnu luku ispaljeno nekoliko raketa, presreo ih proturaketni sustav


epaselect epa09435191 Smoke billows at the scene following an explosion near the Hamid Karzai International Airport, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 29 August 2021. The process of withdrawing the 5,000 United States military personnel deployed to Kabul's airport for the evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies is under way in the face of "very real" threats of additional attacks such as the one two days ago that left some 200 people dead, the Pentagon said 28 August. More than 117,000 people have departed from the Kabul airport since the "massive military, diplomatic, security and humanitarian undertaking" began following the fall of the capital to the Taliban on Aug. 15.  EPA/STRINGER


Nekoliko raketa ispaljeno je u ponedjeljak ujutro na kabulsku međunarodnu zračnu luku, no presreo ih je proturaketni sustav, potvrdio je Reutersu američki časnik.

Časnik, koji je želio ostati anoniman, rekao je da je ispaljeno pet raketa, premda nije bilo jasno je li ih sve srušio obrambeni sustav.

Kako je rekao, prema prvim izvješćima, u napadu nema američkih žrtava.


OZNAKE: Afganistan, Kabul


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