CIA Kremlju: ‘SAD nije bio uključen u Wagnerovu pobunu’


epa10715407 A mobile recruiting office where men can sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense in downtown Moscow, Russia, 28 June 2023. On 24 June, counter-terrorism measures were enforced in Moscow and other Russian regions after private military company (PMC) Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed that his troops had occupied the building of the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don, demanding a meeting with Russia's defense chiefs. Belarusian President Lukashenko, a close ally of Putin, negotiated a deal with Wagner chief Prigozhin to stop the movement of the group's fighters across Russia, the press service of the President of Belarus reported. The negotiations were said to have lasted for the entire day. Prigozhin announced that Wagner fighters were turning their columns around and going back in the other direction, returning to their field camps.  EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV


Direktor CIA-e William Burns nazvao je čelnika ruske obavještajne službe Sergeja Nariškina nakon prošlotjedne prekinute pobune u Rusiji kako bi uvjerio Kremlj da Sjedinjene Države nemaju udjela u tome, izvijestili su u petak New York Times i Wall Street Journal.

Burnsov telefonski razgovor s Nariškinom, direktorom ruske obavještajne službe SVR, održan je ovaj tjedan i bio je kontakt na najvišoj razini između dviju vlada od pokušaja pobune, piše Wall Street Journal.

Čelnik plaćeničke skupine Wagner Jevgenij Prigožin šokirao je svijet vođenjem prošlotjedne oružane pobune koju je iznenada prekinuo kada su se njegovi borci približili Moskvi.

Američki predsjednik Joe Biden rekao je u ponedjeljak da je kratka pobuna ruskih plaćenika protiv Kremlja bila dio borbe unutar ruskog sustava i da Sjedinjene Države i njihovi saveznici nisu u nju bili uključeni.


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