Švicarci preduhitrili Pink Panthere, uhićena dva Hrvata


epa05458160 Handout picture provide by the National Police on 06 August 2016  showing jewellery that gang members of the so-called 'Pink Panthers' tried to steal during a robbery of a jewellery shop at Passeig de Gracia, Barcelona's biggest shopping street, during which five members of the band were arrested 05 August 2016. Interpol believes the gang carried out at least 380 armed robberies jewellery shops between 1999 and 2015.Most of those arrested are from eastern Europe. One of the men robbing the shop was armed, police said. German and Serbian authorities were involved in the build-up to the raid.  EPA/SPANISH NATIONAL POLICE / HANDOUT  HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Švicarska policija spriječila je višemilijunsku pljačku zlatarnice koju je planirala odraditi manja skupina povezana s bandom Pink Panther.

Nakon trotjednog praćenja u gradu Lugano, policija je uhitila dvojicu Hrvata, u dobi od 37 i 39 godina, državljanina Srbije (41) i 38godišnjeg državljanina BiH. Svi uhićeni bili su naoružani.

Pink Panther banda sastoji se uglavnom od kriminalaca s područja bivše Jugoslavije.






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