VIDEO Milijuni Jemenaca očajnički trebaju pomoć


epa06485753 Armed members of the separatist Southern Movement patrol an area after a ceasefire agreement was reached in the southern port city of Aden, Yemen, 30 January 2018. According to reports, a ceasefire agreement was reached between Yemen's Saudi Arabia-backed government and their former southern separatist allies, ending three days of fighting in the southern port city of Aden. The southern Yemeni separatists seized several government buildings in Aden in fierce clashes with the government forces.  EPA/STR


Nakon 4 godine građanskog rata Jemen se suočava s najvećom humanitarnom krizom u svijetu. Milijuni ljudi očajnički trebaju pomoć, nemaju pristup pitkoj vodi, prijeti im izbijanje epidemije kolere, izvještava HRT (VIDEO).

Oko 8 milijuna ljudi ne zna kada će imati sljedeći obrok, svakih 10 minuta ondje umre jedno dijete mlađe od 5 godina od uzroka koji se mogu spriječiti. Oko 400 tisuća djece bori se za život, pothranjeno je gotovo 3 milijuna žena i djece.


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