Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan, urušio se hotel


epa06496528 An earthquake chart released by Taiwan's Seismological Observation Center uses a star sign (L) to show the location of a magnitude-5.8 earthquake which hit off Taiwan's east coast at 21:58 on 04 February 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan,  04 February 2018.  From 04 until the early hours of 05 February, more than 30 magnitude-3 and stronger quakes have struck off Hualien on Taiwan's east coast. The strongest was magnitude 5.8 occuring at 21:56 on 04 February, with its epicenter 16 meters under the sea. Chen said the quakes were caused by the friction between the Philippine Plate and Eurasian Plate, but warned that more aftershocks may occur in the coming weeks. The quakes triggered rockfall in Hualien mountains, temporarily disrupted train service, and caused a water tank to fall to the ground in Yonghe, New Taipei City.  EPA/DAVID CHANG

Snažan potres jačine 6.4 po Richteru pogodio je u utorak tajvanski grad Hualien. Tajvanska vlada objavila je kako se u potresu urušio jedan hotel.

Spasilačke službe su na terenu i pokušavaju osloboditi ljude koji su ostali zaroblkjeni u urušenom hotelu. Fotografije s društvenih mrea pokazuju oštećenja i na cestama te neboderima.

US Geological Survey objavio je kako je epicentar potresa bio oko 21 kilometar od grada Hualiena, koji se nalazi na istoku zemlje, i to na dubini od 9.5 kilometara.

Potres jačine 6.1 pogodio je obližnje područje u nedjelju.

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OZNAKE: potres, Tajvan


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