May će odbiti eventualni referendum o škotskoj neovisnosti


epa07418942 (42/66) A piper plays at High Street in Edinburgh, Scotland, Britain, 24 February 2019. Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on 29 March 2019, two years after Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50, the mechanism to notify the EU of her country's intention to abandon the member's club after the tightly-contested 2016 referendum. The results of that referendum exposed a divided nation. Leave won, claiming 52 percent of the overall vote. Voters in England and Wales came out in favor of leave, while Scotland and Northern Ireland plumped for remain. It was still unclear on what terms the UK would leave the EU, with lawmakers having rejected Prime Minister Theresa May's initial deal hammered out with the EU, the fruit of years of negotiations. There was also talk of extending the March 29 deadline, which would delay Brexit, as well as the floating of a second referendum, with the opposition Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn appearing to now throw its weight behind that. Citizens and industries across the UK, including the banking, tourism and farming sectors, and many of whom rely on exporting products or bringing in goods from Europe, will have to adapt in a post-Brexit Britain, whether there is a deal with the EU or not.  EPA/ROBERT PERRY  ATTENTION: For the full PHOTO ESSAY text please see Advisory Notice epa07418899 , epa07418900

Britanska vlada “naravno” da neće dopustiti održavanje novog referenduma o škotskoj neovisnosti ako bi se pojavio takav zahtjev, rekao je u četvrtak ministar vanjskih poslova Jeremy Hunt.

Govoreći na sveučilištu u Glasgowu, Hunt je rekao da će britanska premijerka Theresa May odbaciti svaki eventualni zahtjev škotske premijerke Nicole Sturgeon za novo glasanje o neovisnosti, koje pokušavaju progurati škotski nezadovoljnici brexitom.

Upitan koji bi bio odgovor Therese May, Hunt je rekao: “Odgovor će naravno biti ‘ne’ iz vrlo jednostavnog razloga što smatramo da bi se škotska vlada trebala fokusirati na interese  škotskih glasača – a to nije imati još jedan razdvajajući referendum o neovisnosti”.

Škoti su odbacili neovisnost na referendumu 2014.

Hunt je svoje komentare, koji će vjerojatno izazvati zazor među Škotima osjetljivim da im političari iz Londona govore što bi trebali učiniti, izrekao u trenutku kada je Sturgeon ponovila da bi novi referendum trebao biti pravno dogovoren.

Time je odgovorila na komentare svog zamjenika na čelu Škotske nacionalne stranke Keitha Browna koji je rekao kako smatra da bi se novi referendum o neovisnosti mogao organizirati i bez zelenog svjetla parlamenta u Londonu.

Po sadašnjem zakonu, svako obvezujuće izjašnjavanje o secesiji mora odobriti britanski parlament.


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