TURSKA Blokirana zračna baza Incirlik nakon glasina o novom pokušaju vojnog udara


epa05430478 Turkish special forces members with heavy weapons secure the area during a security meeting between 1st Army Commander Gen. Umit Dundar and Istanbul Police Chief Mustafa Caliskan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 18 July 2016. Turkish Prime Minister Yildirim reportedly said that the Turkish military was involved in an attempted coup d'etat. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has denounced the coup attempt as an 'act of treason' and insisted his government remains in charge. Some 104 coup plotters were killed, 90 people - 41 of them police and 47 are civilians - 'fell martrys', after an attempt to bring down the Turkish government, the acting army chief General Umit Dundar said in a televised appearance.who were killed in a coup attempt on 16 July, during the funeral, in Istanbul, Turkey, 17 July 2016. Turkish Prime Minister Yildirim reportedly said that the Turkish military was involved in an attempted coup d'etat. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has denounced the coup attempt as an 'act of treason' and insisted his government remains in charge. Some 104 coup plotters were killed, 90 people - 41 of them police and 47 are civilians - 'fell martrys', after an attempt to bring down the Turkish government, the acting army chief General Umit Dundar said in a televised appearance.  EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU

Oko sedam tisuća vojnika opkolilo je i blokiralo zračnu bazu Incirlik i zatvorilo ulaze i izlaze nakon glasina da se priprema još jedan pokušaj vojnog udara, objavio je u nedjelju turski Hurriyet.

Hurriyet je objavio da je operacija izgledala kao za vrijeme vojnog udara 15. srpnja. Policija je poručila kako je operacija trajala dva i pol sata. Ministar europskih poslova Omer Celik na Twitteru je objavio kako je zračna baza blokirana samo zbog sigurnosnih razloga, dodajući da nema nikakvih problema.

U noći s 15. na 16. srpanj u Turskoj je neuspješno izveden pokušaj vojnog udara, a ogromni neredi zabilježeni su u Ankari i Istanbulu. Ubijeno je 246 ljudi, a 2185 je ozlijeđeno.


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