Sirijska vojska bilježi uspjehe na području pod kontrolom IS-a


epa05790596 A handout photo made available by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 13 February 2017 shows a picture by Italian photographer Alessio Romenzi that won the General News - Third Prize, Stories award of the 60th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 13 February 2017.

General News - Third Prize, Stories

© Alessio Romenzi 
Title: We Are Not Taking Any Prisoners

043_Alessio Romenzi 
Photo caption: 
Soon after he surrendered, an ISIS fighter is violently dragged by Libyan fighters affiliated with the government in Tripoli while they shout and threaten to lynch him on December 5, 2016. .Few minutes later he was found in the same place shot dead multiple times.

Sirte, Libya, is one of the three self-proclaimed capitals of the so-called Islamic State, along with Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq. It was the first of the three to fall, with an offensive launched by the Libyan government in May 2016. It took seven months of fighting, 500 American airstrikes, the lives of 700 Libyan soldiers and more than 3,000 injured Libyan soldiers to finally declare the city free.  EPA/ALESSIO ROMENZI/WORLD PRESS PHOTO HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES

Sirijska vojska i njezini saveznici zabilježili su u subotu i nedjelju uspjehe na području pod kontrolom Islamske države (IS) na sjeverozapadu Sirije, uslijed povlačenja džihadista nakon gubitka grada Al-Baba koji je pao u ruke umjerenih pobunjenika.

Sirijska vojska sada kontrolira dodatnih 14 sela južno od Al-Baba i nalazi se na 25 kilometara od jezera Asad, dijela Eufrata iznad brane Tabqa. Zauzimanjem tog područja snage Bašara al-Asada spriječile su i moguće napredovanje umjerenih pobunjenika koje podržava Turska prema jugu te je nadomak preuzimanja kontrole nad opskrbom vode za Alepo.

Gubitak al-Baba nakon višetjednih žestokih borbi za IS znači povlačenje iz sjeverozapadnog područja Sirije, važnog uporišta džihadista.


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